Friday, December 19, 2008

Behind.....Who Me?

Okay, so it's been awhile since I posted (quite awhile, I know!) so here are the belated birthday highlight of November.
Happy Birthday to Ethan and Braelyn! Ethan is now 9 and Braelyn is 3. With something like 11 or 12 birthdays in November between my family and Everett's, it has been a very hectic month, but happy, happy birthday my Sweeties!
Ethan did not want a traditional cake and requested a bundt this year. It was pretty delicious. He received a pair of fishing waders and a Shel Silverstein book.

Braelyn's cake choice was Red Velvet which we made into cupcakes and everyone helped decorate.
Braelyn received a Hannah Montana microphone and a Sunday dress.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!! Kirsche looks just like Debbie's "Grump on a Bump" picture here. They look so much alike it is scary!